Here I am happy to offer you a free 11 steps tutorial, going quite deep into much of what you need for take control over your slow motion video edit.
Slow motion is fun!
3 Quicktime Player 7 pro,userinterface FPS and
Slowmotion file info, movie properties FPS,
a/v controls ½ speed,
50fps and 60 fps
50 fps 60 fps 100 fps 120 fps
and 240 fps

7 b Slow motion edit in iMovie 13 v 10.0.3 (Maverick) , quick guide
8 Slow motion edit in gopro cineform,quick guide
9 Slow motion edit in After Affect,quick guide
10 Slow motion edit in PremierePro,quick guide
11 Compress video for Youtube or Vimeo in Adobe media encoder
(coming later summer 2014)
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